Piling methods and
types of equipment
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The choice of a suitable driving method is of fundamental importance to ensure successful pile installation with due regard to the safety of operatives and environmental disturbance.
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This is the best method for driving piles into difficult ground or final driving of piles to the design level. With correctly selected equipment it is the most effective way of completing deep penetration into hard soils in most conditions. The downside is that it can be noisy and not suitable for sensitive or restricted sites.
This is usually the fastest and most economical method of pile installation but usually needs soft soil conditions for best results. Vibration and noise occurs but this can be kept to a minimum by using the right equipment.
Otherwise known as silent piling (vibration free). Machines of various types are now widely used. This method is very effective in clay soils but less so in dense cohesionless ground unless pre-augering or jetting techniques are used. This is the best method to use when installing sheet piles where piling would not have been an option in the past.